"O" on the Go recently attended the Russ Parr Red Carpet Movie Premiere of his new movie "The Undersheperd". The movie premiere took place in Silver Spring, Maryland on March 27th. There were many celebrities in attendance, such as Clifton Powell, Lamman Rucker, Elise Neal, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Robinne Lee and many more. The film focuses on the black church, a familiar territory for some. Parr's idea for the film incorporates a bit of politics as well, the idea for the film is said to have stemmed from a presidential election. Parr completed a variety of research before bringing his idea to life. While Russ Parr discovered a lot of corruption, he held back a bit to avoid going "too far" for the film. The film stars a talented cast of actors and actresses and will definitely be a good one to watch.
"O" on the Go was very fortunate to have the opportunity to cover the red carpet and talk to some of the characters of the movie. Check out the red carpet interviews, clips from the movie and much more.
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"O" on the Go was created in 2010 by Single Mother, Full-Time Paralegal, Model, Stylist, CEO of Paris K., LLC, Omeka Polk. The show started off as a blog, with Omeka "O" attending celebrity events and blogging about them, and later transformed into her creating a show that allows her to interact one on one with celebrities and their life. She also creates episodes with vast topics ranging from health, sports, entertainment, music and more.
To see more of "O," view all of the previous episodes, or check out the celebrities pictures visit www.o-onthego.com
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